Wednesday, November 19, 2014



Skadi was a deity and Norse Goddess of Winter and The Hunt: Justice, Vengeance, and Righteous Anger, and is the deity who delivers the sentence upon Loki. She was unhappily married to Njord, the gloomy sea god, but she wanted to marry Baldur. Skadi had chosen Njord to his beautiful bare feet, which is a symbol of fertility.



  • Meat - deer, beef, lamb, goat, pork
  • Poultry - chicken, geese, duck,  pigeon, 
  • Fish - pike, herring, cod, flat-fish, mackerel, oysters, mussels, eels, salmon
  • Dairy products - butter, milk, eggs
  • Grains - Oats, wheat, rye, barley
  • Vegetables - carrots, parsnips, turnips, celery, spinach
  • Fruits -  plums, apples, bilberries, blackberries, raspberries
  • Nuts - hazelnuts, walnuts
  • Other - Honey
  • Beverages -- Rhine wine


Weapon were not only used for battle, they represented the wealth of the owner and their status.

  • Spears were the most common
  • Swords cost a lot to make and were a sign of high status, some swords were given names such as leg-bitter
  • Axes were used instead of swords in open combat, but owners could not simultaneously hold a shield
Weapons were part of everyday life as they were required to have them, they were a traditional fundamental right of freemen in viking society, and were used to answer any attempt to diminish ones honor. 

In preparation for battle the younger warriors would move to the front and create a shield wall, while the older more experienced warriors provided back up behind them. Battle began when a spear was thrown over enemy line.
The Vikings also had warriors called "berserks" who were said to have superhuman strength and had to need for armor. They would work themselves into such a battle frenzy that they could ignore the pain of wounds.



  • Woodworking was a common skill and woodwork could either be very plain or enormously complex, ranging from boats and homes to decorative wood carvings.
  • Jewelry such as beads were most commonly found along with pottery nails and knives. However since beads were difficult to make by hand they were very valuable and expensive. Colored beads of flame-worked glass were the most popular as beads made from rock crystal, garnet, amethyst, gold, and bronze.
  • Sagas

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